Caj and I teach the nursery together at church. Basically what that means is, the parents bring their 18-24mos toddlers to our class while they attend grown up Sunday School, and we do puzzles, blow bubbles, sing kids songs, and have snack time. It totally rocks! Believe it or not, we actually do try to incorporate some kind of spiritual lesson, or at the very least a spiritual story. But it's a lot of fun. People seem to scoff at it, saying sarcastically, "Lucky you!" But it makes me all kinds of giddy. I love it! The kids are so adorable.
I hadn't decided yet if I was going to volunteer for Phoenix Comicon. It really intimidates me! I always feel inadequate when it comes to any kind of work. But Caj has also expressed interest in volunteering so we can attend again together this year. After our experience last year?! I was surprised, too. But I still wasn't sure what we'd volunteer for. Until today, when PCC announced on Facebook that they're still looking for volunteers, especially for the youth programming. It couldn't be more perfect! We are fantastic with kids and probably would enjoy entertaining them more than we would interacting with the adults.
So there we have it! I've sent an email in expressing our desire to volunteer and help out with the kiddies. Hopefully I'll hear back from them soon and will see you at Phoenix Comicon!
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